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By Error! Reference source not found.
Toni S Edit MessageUploaded - 6 Jun 2002 19:08

Hi, Bill.

I am using your template to work on my original screenplay, but I have run into a problem. I have been using the crib sheet and it has been working beautifully until I come to person 9. Then I keep getting the error message: Error! Reference source not found.

I tried to go past it by selecting the 10 slot and the 11 slot, but it did the same thing. Do you have any suggestions? Is this a bug? Any help you can give is appreciated. Thanks.

Toni Stauffer
Bill Williams

Edit MessageUploaded - 6 Jun 2002 19:09


This is the sort of thing that happens if you directly edit the Crib sheet
instead of using the Menu...Edit...Names of People...(or the smiley face
icon). You may have wiped out the bookmark.

Test it by starting a new completely empty script using the same template.
See if persons 9 thro 20 work OK

If this seems to be the case, on the faulty document, on the cribsheet,
highlight the name you have given to person 9 then drop down the Insert
menu, extend it downwards with the chevrons if necessary and select
Bookmark. Then in the dialog box that appears, type Person9 (no spaces) and
click Add. Repeat in a similar manner for Person10 to Person20.

Test that the person keystrokes now work as expected and save your document.


Toni SEdit MessageUploaded - 6 Jun 2002 19:10

Bill, thank you so much. I thought I had been careful, but I must have messed up at some point. Anyway, it works beautifully now. I really like your program. I can't afford to pay a ton of money for a fancy program with stuff I don't need. Yours is great. I'm only 20 pages into the screenplay, but hope to have it done before too long. As soon as I have the money, I'll send you a check for the program. Again, thanks for your help.

Toni Stauffer


Revised by - Bill Williams on 6 Jun 2002 at 19:11:29

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