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By Paypal: You've got Funds
Bill Williams

Edit MessageUploaded - 6 Aug 2008 15:00

The email message
lucyfenwick just sent you money with PayPal.
lucyfenwick is aVerified buyer.
To complete this payment, you must accept or refuse it within 30 days. If you do
not accept or refuse this payment within 30 days, it will be cancelled and the funds
will be returned to billblyth's account.
Please be aware that your payment can still be reversed, (e.g. if it is subject to a
chargeback), even after you have posted the item to your buyer. Complying with
PayPal's protection programmes and following the trading guidelines, in our Security
Centre helps to protect you from things like chargebacks.

is a FAKE, do not click on the link given; it has been edited to go somewhere that is not the real PayPal.


Revised on 6 Aug 2008

Bill Williams

Edit MessageUploaded - 7 Aug 2008 13:54

This is another fake DO NOT CLICK THE DOWNLOAD LINK:

Download the latest version

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